Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[27 October 1938]



I don't think you understand my point of view about the political situation.


The whole thing is a function of the New Aeon. All these alarums and excursions are the birth throes. And I don't think that you are right either in supposing that Hitler has done Germany any good. I think that, on the contrary, he has run Germany right into the earth. He has destroyed all the cash and credit that remained, and has thoroughly alarmed France, England, and America.


You talk about Versailles as if it had never existed; but it never did. From the day it was signed all sensible men realized that the terms were impossible. The treaty created a great deal of sympathy, and you were just beginning to get out of the mess, thanks to people like [chancellors] Stresemann and Brüning, when the Brown Shirts overthrew the Reich. What we absurdly call the "Cabinet" is meeting today and is bound to initiate decisive action, which will certainly mean rearmament. Our old umbrella merchant [Neville Chamberlain] will probably try a lot more of his nonsense, but in the end it will mean a speed up in armaments everywhere, with the final crash liable to arrive at any moment. I think we are partly at the mercy of lunatics and partly at the mercy of accidents. Roosevelt and Lloyd George made good speeches.


