Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
28 Dec 38
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have got a letter from you with no address and no date. You tell me what I found out when I lived in America; it was certainly not what you suggest. All your letter proves is that you have been in touch with the wrong kind of people. Aimee MacPherson and Spencer Lewis, to say nothing of the recent "Mighty I am" lunatics, seem to get on splendidly, and it is no answer to this to say that their success is due to the fact that they are simply bunco-steerers.
I am writing this to encourage you, and you do not do much to encourage me. I must say that I give you the very fullest marks for keeping the show running in the splendid way you have done, but there is something more than that. You do not seem to have the faculty of making things public; I do not know why it is at all. You seem to have a quite well-balanced team; it is very unfortunate you could not get on with Max [Max Schneider].
However there is some prospect of my coming to the States in August, and perhaps we may be able to get something of a move on.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally