Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Martha Küntzel
[10 May 1939]
I have your letters of March 28th and April 25th and 1st May, and I can make sense out of none of them.
[ . . . ] You make fun of Roosevelt, but Roosevelt can send four thousand bombers over Germany within the first week of the war which we are now expecting to begin about the third week in June. Over there you have no idea what the world at large is thinking. [ . . . ]
As for the ravings about the Jews, they are simply unintelligible. Almost the whole of life in Germany above brutality, stupidity and cruelty, servility and blood-thirst, was Jewish. Germans are as far below Jews, generally speaking, as monkeys below man; but I have always been fond of monkeys and I do not want to offend them by comparing any German to one.
These remarks, stated in comparatively direct language, are intended to express the general feeling of people outside Germany.
There will be no second Versailles—there will be Armageddon. The Hun must be wiped out. The Hun will be wiped out.
I hear that you have a number of "Thelema Buecher." If you have, will you send them to: M. Van De Graaf-Dopere, 52, Rue Malibran, Bruxelles.