Correspondence from Lady Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
The Mall, Chiswick. Telephone: Chiswick 2230
May 10th 1939.
Dear Aleister,
Your secretary forgot to send the letter you wrote to me and she has rung me up to read it to me. I am, also, sorry that I have to write plainly to you, because I enjoy our friendship and your instruction very much, but it is entirely spoilt by your attempts to use me as your bank and financial adviser. I have frequently told you that I have nothing but a weekly allowance and that out of it I have given you all I can spare.
If you are expecting the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] to be a means of getting money, or my position as useful for pushing it—I am sorry I am not the right vehicle for such an enterprise as I intend to remain anonymous when the cards are shown as I dislike any notoriety.
Your books are wonderful but you must not expect the reading or money making world to buy them as they don't want to think and . . .
[the remainder of letter is missing]