Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




9 August 1939



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I was sorry to miss you on your way through London, but it doesn't matter very much because things are not ready. I hope to have finished the explanation and description of the Tarot by the end of this month. Unfortunately that means that there will be a large stack of rather incoherent papers. I feel sure that there will be great lack of consecution, together with redundancies and possibly serious omissions. On the top of that the whole thing has to be vetted for in-growing obscurity. Frieda [Frieda Harris] is very pleased about it, but she is not a good judge; we want a book intelligible to anyone who had only a smattering of the subject.


As you know, bad as I am at everything connected with writing, I am worst of all at compilation. This is where you might come in if you cared to when you get back to town. It would be of immense assistance to me if you would go through the papers with me and bring your orderly brain to work. Until the end of the month I am in a GMR [Grand Magical Retirement]. Letters should be addressed G.P. Glasshouse 57 Petersham Road Richmond.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally.




P.S. G.P. stands for Giant Panda.


