Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





Monday, Sept 18th [1939]



Dear Aleister,


Will you go to Le Chatier Sarve in St. James Street and ask them if they can mount my drawings in the same way as the ones you have as a sample. If it would not bother you perhaps you could take one with you. Also please ask the price. I have thought of Green and Stone but they haven't any good assistants now and can't be trusted. There was a very good man on the left going down Pelham Street, small shop with a few frames hanging up and if he still exists he did some fine framing and mounting for Nick and was not too dear, but I don't remember his name. The Rowley Gallery in Church Street, Notting Hill Gate can do the work but they are fussy and very opinionated. I am particularly anxious to get the drawings covered with a non inflammable talc of which the departed assistant at Gates had the name. I wonder if you could extort from Blow-Bubbles what it was called.


I do not find the names of the Cards in the Index you have sent at all illuminating in fact it took me hours to sort which was which. They are much too flamboyant, and I prefer the old names don't you. I hate all those rushing words and feel I've alighted in Taliesom. What am I to print in the surrounds, because I won't do them wrong, it is very hard work.


I have done the 10 of Swords and promptly Russia takes up arms—Where are we going! You haven't sent me the notes on the Fool. Did you no-tice.


Have you seen that all the Sephiroths in the Index are spelled wrong, at least nearly all—an awful bother if they get printed like that. Also I don't feel you have made it clear about Tzaddi—The Emperor. Can't you have a diagram? I have been reading your book to Ann Christie in the evenings and altho she is very interested she could not understand your book and I am not sure I did in the end. It will be a point about which there will be the most argument. Is there any reason for the 2 loops except secrecy? Surely! And if not why not undo the loop and is the Emperor to be numbered 17 or IV or 4 or 17 ditto Star also Strength XI and Justice VIII. I expect I have still got it all wrong but if I have, you must be clearer because I am only just below sub-normal intelligence. à bientot


Frieda Harris



I can't go and see Fox owing to petrol ban, neither can he come and see me and who is Miss ? Beddulph anyhow and where is she. I will try and make you a beautiful diagram if you could make a rough



and I think we could have 4 and 17 on a swivel to twist 'round. Quite amusing also the Sun could have the Zodiac pushed round.


