Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





Cotswold House Hotel

Chipping Campden




[Undated: circa Autumn 1939]



Dear Aleister,


I have been struggling with a bad cold & the Lovers—the latter begins to cheer up. I haven't decided whether I'll come back & brood on the Fool or stay here. It depends on the crisis, the Austrian Servants but I'd rather stay here.


Can you tell me where there are 92 elements according to the Russian Mendelkeef (is it) Also what do you know about Lilith. I can't find out anything & believe I asked you before & you would not attend to me. I can't make anything of the no 92. That is why I ask you.


I hope you are all right.


Yours sincerely,


Frieda Harris



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