Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa Autumn 1939]
Dear Aleister,
I hope you are alright. I don't think you were at all lucid about Lilith or the 100 years dead Russian however I hope you were preoccupied with writing. I have been looking at Tao Teh King. Yes it is an excellent book and like everything you write, only could have been done by you and a most profound and lucid bit of thought. No wonder you function so vilely on the living plane?
I am grappling with the Fool which continues to give me a gad foot so that I can't walk except in a club-footed heavy way. Also the caravan is fiercely cold and presents many obstacles. I have a studio also fiercely cold and without any furniture except packing cases, but that is a help. Directly the Fool is in a form to be submitted to the Right Worshipful Master, I will return to the Metropolis in which we all endure.
Yours sincerely,
Frieda Harris