Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated fragment: circa Autumn 1939]
I say, what about the Fool's colours—Air won't do.
You are rather right with your vacuum.
I have marked out in my colour scheme—
Bright Pale Yellow Sky Blue Blue Emerald green, Emerald flecked gold but surely I can use the purple dark blue, pale blue green, yellow, orange, red of the rainbow.
At the top of the chart are 10 colour sequences which we don't seem to have used much. We did combine them in the 1st plain card of wands and then what with the governing planet and zodiacal sign we stopped. Anyhow I can't paint brilliance, white brilliance, can you?
The telephone is 3/ for 3 minutes. Can you get [illegible] worth out of 1 minute? No we cry being Scotch.