Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




From 57 Petersham Road







So you have gone boldly into the valley of death. It is a particularly vulnerable spot: don't be surprised if at any moment you see 80,000 Russian bombers with snow on their propellors.


I do not think that the war will last long. I think that Mr Dillinger has gone into the cinema with the red-haired girl. I never thought from the first that there was any soundness at all in the Nazi strategy; they used up all the cash; they used up all the credit, and there was nothing left but to try to shoot a way out.


I am very busy with various things; the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] is now nearly finished, and the aim must be to take it over to America where it is saleable. My main effort is concentrated on that. When plans are a little further advanced, I shall write you again, or possibly come to see you at the Front.


There is ten-year of the forties to come, so don't get too milingtary [sic] and go off half-cock.


