Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa December 1939]
Dear Aleister,
I am sorry I have disgruntled you. If you mean the experience of moving furniture I have a very varied one!
I am working hard, have done No 10 and No 9 Swords and nearly No 6. I get frightfully stiff what a bore. Also I'm reading hard books I've had no time for. This is a blessed relief, I hope I'll be able to stay here and catch up a bit.
Now about Locke. Shall I write to him?
There is this curious old Rabbi, a student of the Kabala and Numbers, a distinguished old scholar. I am guarantee for his evacuation of Vienna and he is living at Staines.
Dr. Muller Melrose Seacroft Staines
He wants to get a little work.
“He is a deep student of Hebrew.”
He is in touch with Dr. Saxl of the Warburg Institute.
Is he any use to you or to me and can you help him?
I believe he is rather remarkable. If you can do anything will you write to him? I can't do much from here. I wonder is he any use on the book as he's turned up several times in my path lately.
Have you finished Mercury? I read your notes yesterday, the new ones. There's a lot from the original script that you gave me which is missing. Can it be compressed in? I'm worried about Mercury. I am only see him as I've drawn him not so tricksey as you seem to know him. However I'll try. The Fool mixes up with him more than I want.
Yours ever,