Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





Dec. 11th [1939]



Dear Aleister,


Thank you for your letter I will reply later to that.


I am sending you a sample of the top of the surround of the card as I have written “Swords” at the top. I find people cannot tell Trumps from Swords or Cups from Disks so I propose to write Swords, Cups, Disks, Wands, Trumps at the top. Owing to the black out I think this particular sample Swords is too dark it should be the same colour as the mount not to show so much. I may be able to wash it down but I have to horde [sic] this mount as I can't get any more–please return this one.


I have done as you suggested to the Swords. Thank you “Mr Crowley”. You were quite right.


Ever yours—


Frieda Harris


Tried again got it right by sponging only not quite the texture I want—others will be better!



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