Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated—received 18 December 1939]
Dear Aleister Mohammed,
Princess and Child doing well.
I will try to answer your letter clearly.
I. I have a diagram of the Twist of the Zodiac. Would you like me to make a conventional diagram of your rough?
II. Would you send your notes with a paper fastener [drawing] not a clip [drawing] as the thing comes undone and I can't put the papers in right order and get eyestrain?
III. Alright about Hylton, have attended to it.
IV. I sent that heading of the border as I was not certain it was right. I am not sure what to do—I shall have to try again. Of course I can devide [sic] Wands and Disks so that they look equally and, and I don't want a crowd of printing at the bottom but I will try out what you suggest. “More work for the undertaker” says I.
V. In reference to your books—I suppose you know that most of them would be easier for a Beginner written in Sanscrit and that anyone reading them would go off their heads. Therefore the Wise (“like myself”) take them in snappy bits and only when they are feeling strong.
Also they are very exciting and I can't live on hot curry tho you can—I can't even remember what I meant by Heh Nonny Nonny. I'm glad I was unintelligible, such a change round for you, and anyhow I don't care for just look at the stucco work you have planned out for me—“Push the Cups deeper! Twist the whole card round” Oh! but these things are all on 1 plane and, unless I start applique or sculpture, it can't be begun.
However I knew we should have to do something, and as far as the paper, the texture, the design, will endure I will do as you say. I will also do a new Justice, damn her. Do you think there was ever “a woman satisfied”? With what a smirk she would greet the dawn. But, all the same, I want to finish all the experimental work first, tho Mercury is yelling to re-enter the Womb and Incarnate with his Companions. I mean to plod thro the Pantacles and the Universe, and by that time, you'll be able to alter all the Cards and have them in and out of costly frames and we will finish like Alice through the Looking Glass by having the whole pack on our heads. Goodnight.
F. H.