Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[22 December 1939]
Has it occurred to you that the Censor is holding his [Karl Germer] letters? Both of you are uncertain friends of England! Someone not understanding what either of you are saying may have docketed letters "suspect" and they lurk in a locker to be re-examined.
If I have ever got off this planet it is in a world where there are no human figures—I have never encountered one. Now I have wanted to very much and believed what you all tell me, but I can't. My gods have no human forms, only curves angles and light movement colour and sound when I draw, the moment I fall on one that is familiar to me I bend the knee and shout Holy! Holy! Holy! the have no moral sense; they are neither good nor bad, only inevitable and therefore right in the true sense and I believe they are gods. Therefore the human form is, to me, only one aspect, and the gods and goddesses could be done just as well in Giraffes, in fact better for me, as the Giraffe's bosom moves. . . .