Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





[Undated: circa Summer 1940]



Dear Aleister,


I have been trying to sort the various typed papers I have received from you on the Tarot.


The Trumps descriptions are complete.

The 9 Wands are separately described.

The 9 Cups are separately described.

The 9 Swords are separately described.

The 9 Disks are separately described.

The 4 Sword Court Cards are separately described.

The 4 Wand Court Cards not

The 4 Water Court Cards not

The 4 Pantacles Court Cards not

The 4 Aces are separately described.


Probably you have the missing ones but if not ought we not to have a complete list?


I think I sent you the original notes you made on the Fool asking you if you could incorporate some of it in the new notes which I have. If you don't agree, anyhow let me have the original as I like it best.


The Prince of Disks is a devil. I've been a whole week on him and he is engendering a nervous breakdown in me coupled with starvation as he gives me no time to eat. He is a bastard.


However I hope I have caught him today. He swells and swells and I can't get him in the picture with all the farm produce and bulls you suggest. Re the curtains–I have had some promised to me, have a bit more patience I am on their track.


I like Sullivan better than the American Bum. Did you write the latter? He is quite a nice person, but rather lopsided and has only one means of approach and so do his chums. Pen won't write so I can't think. I do hope you are better.


F. H.



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