Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Noel Arms Hotel.

Chipping Campden.

till March 5.

then: 57 Petersham Road

Richmond Surrey



March 1. [1940]







I hope you got "Temperance" [Temperance: A Tract for the Times] safely. I'm rather desperate about the Sol in Aries book. On top of everything else, the Trust Fund dries up periodically. Last week £1-0-7 only! this week Nix. I don't mind tightening my belt but I don't want to carry on at all unless I feel that I am being some use to the Work. So I'm feeling depressed. I am having a week's holiday here as the guest of Lady Harris [Frieda Harris]; it was needed badly. I have been more or less ill for the last month or so—my usual one-down-tother-come-on series of small ailments. No luck at all yet with N.I.D. I'm furious: I feel that we are messing up the U.S.A. work. Insularity and class-consciousness. Officials don't know how to fraternize with the licentious soldiery. In other words everything's bloody. Perhaps part of it is the usual reaction of relief from immediate strain coupled with poor prospects on return to work. Enough of grousing. Tarot [The Book of Thoth] goes on A.1. Only 4 more cards to do and 7 to do over again. Yesterday I saw a lot mounted, lettered and framed. They are really stupendous. You'll be amazed when you see them. Lots more letters to write; so with all good greetings. . . .



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