Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




57, Petersham Road,

Richmond, Surrey.



[Undated: circa 7 March 1940]





Glad to hear from you. My weeks holiday did me oodles of good.


Can't understand about The Moralist. I thought the rhythm absolutely simple and compelling. I defy you to read it aloud without being carried away.


The Trust Fund is now adjusted on a lower basis which I hope will be immune from fresh catastrophes. So all is very nearly well in that way. But I do want to produce the big things especially the Tao Teh King. It is a long time since you sent a substantial contribution. You may as well do so now.


Total cost of printing about £65. I have saved some £20 towards it so far.


I take it you're slogging away for a staff job. Best luck!


Mechanized army? Case of rifle v flintlock: better, but needs more care and skill. And in our present inexperience we can hardly tell what kinds of care and skill are needed. Maybe your course of Magick may come in by-and-by.


93     93/93.






Do you never get a day or two in town? I should like to see you again.




