Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





29 Apr 40



57 Petersham Rd

Richmond, Surrey



Dear Louis


Just in the nick of time! I had already lifted the receiver to have them send a man round with a humane killer when your letter arrived. My own plan, now, is to go to Gloucestershire to see if I can breathe there, and to give the final benediction to the Tarot [The Book of Thoth], after minor amendments. Back here on May 9th. But it's only a plan. I'm so mysteriously stricken down that I don't like to make cloud castles. My hope is that it's all Freudian and nerves, instantly and miraculously curable by the arrival of a cablegram which should have been here on the 24th. Don't think that I parted willingly with The Buffoon. The series of crashes is to blame; that and plain thefts. There is a regular traffic in stolen books of mine in London. I look forward so happily to seeing you.






