Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





[Undated: circa Spring 1940]



My dear Aleister,


All the Swords are finished and the 10 of Cups nearly, but I have difficulty in getting the cards stretched. The picture from Michael Just [Michael Juste] has not arrived so I can't show a sample to anyone. Will you send on the enclosed letter to him as I have not got the correct address here. I tried to insure the cards, but the valuation I put on them (£1500), they wish to have some assurance that that is the price for which I am selling them. They asked for Mr. Just's address and I could not remember it.


I find all this a bit up-hill. I am in solitary confinement, doing my own housework etc., not too bad only when I emerge from this concentrated effort to do the cards and feel very peculiar.


Now for the pantacles.


Do try and answer me about the Aces. I feel broody about them. I keep on thinking about those 4 elements and their mightiness and I fell drowned in water, burnt with fire, cut by the air and dug into the earth. The air feels to be the most solid and dead of them all, which is odd, as it is supposed to be so light. No blood I suppose.


I can't make out the Tree of Life




Binah Chokmah


(F)       (M)


then it seems to jump round and have below the Abyss the position of the m[asculine] and f[eminine] altered, they swing over. Am I wrong? I want to put on the left the receptive side and the power on the right. I can't classify anything. More time here to think, but reading tires my eyes. I suppose this will be done soon.


At it again tomorrow. Have you ever realized how much I have given up for this work? Everything I possess and now I am become a nothing in a wilderness.


Yours very tired,


F. H.



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