Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa Summer 1940]
My dear Aleister
1. I can't find Magick, Cap 0, on mathematics and philosophy of 0=2.
2. Is Vesica-piscis really the womb?
3. Why are there 72 decanates—72 names of God. I can understand 36—3 houses for each zodiacal sign and anyhow am I to divide the Universe into 72 parts? You say stars of the Zodiac—are the stars to be the signs or the actual constellations?
4. Phallus and sun I understand. Kteis=? Moon—what is Kteis?
5. Which (of any particular form) is the Uraeus Serpent?
6. “The general meaning etc. Hence it is ΖΩΠ” does that mean Azoth.
7. What is יאדח ?
8. Can you get me any book which is simple on geomancy and Watkins [bookstore] will send me the book if you would order it.
Keyte met me yesterday—He described you as “wonderful” so his estimate of you was well-balanced—
I have been stodging up the remaining cards. The fortress or 4 Pantacles is well on the way—
Mercury is fussing dreadfully—How I should like to do them all again—I am faintly beginning to understand what you are driving at—Those 4 aces are going to be a riot—
It is so cold that I'm quite warm—(That is real A.C.)
Frieda Harris