Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Castle Hotel Breem, S. Wales
July 28th [1940?]
My very dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law—
I did not write because I was waiting for the proof which I received with your letter—I must say printers are all talk and no action. I heard you tell him to send it to me and he just did not. I suppose by now the covers are printed and larger than the proof I suppose—It looks alright only I wish the printing had been done by a professional. Most printers have one at hand who copies the placing and the style but gives just the professional touch which I can't do. Is the lettering to be black. I do hope it is successful. About the Abbey of the Green Lion—I am sorry, one can't help being depressed by the awful condition of England and quite unable to feel it possible for a new venture . . .