Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
The Gardens, Middle Warberry Road, Torquay, Devon.
9 Oct [1940]
I am sorry for the delay in sending out the Word [of the Equinox]; but on the day of the Equinox I was moving. The air of the Thames Valley is definitely bad for my type of bronchial trouble. This is a lovely place; might be S[outh] of France or N[orthern] California! A.1. for G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement].
Everything here is very dull and monotonous; all the excitement we were promised faded away to nothing at all. I am at work on the final revision of my Book on the Tarot [The Book of Thoth], a few days work, and we can go to press. Then I propose to get right down to the Yi King, which is really a much harder job, there being nothing much to guide one.
That reminds me: I am pretty sure that you have a copy of my riming mnemonic version of the Text. Will you be good enough to have a copy made and sent to me? In one of my numerous crashes my own copy disappeared. Please do this at once; it is quite important.
It seems a long time since I heard from you, though I heard of you this very week, from a bloke who answers to the name of Sheridan Bickers and has been living here for some years.
Please give my love to Jane [Jane Wolfe] and Regina [Regina Kahl] and the BB [Blessed Brethren] and Ss. I should like to hear form you all so much. I think I sent you and Jane or both—one or two photographs of rejected designs for Tarot cards.
I hope to be able to send you the real thing complete in colour within a year from now. The price will be about 25 dollars I expect. It's a big Mob: 79 sets of colour blocks at £11 or so to begin with! It means £1500 at least to produce the first edition of (say) 100.
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P.S. Please don't forget my Yi King runes.