Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa 11 December 1940?]
Added to my letter last night.
I have just been looking at your manuscript part of Mercury.
You mention 8 fold star–composed of 4 fleur de lys with rays like antlers bulrushes in shape between them. The central core has the cypher of the G.M. but not the one you know.
Upon the cross (what cross?) are the Dove the Hawk the Serpent and the Lion.
Would you like me to try the Star, it has a pictorial fascination for me but could you be more explicit?
Your vision is truly grand. I begin to understand it slightly.
Also you say 6-fold Star in the Vision. Now which is it you want represented or both.
I had 6 in the last picture.