Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
The Gardens,
Dec. 22nd. 1940.
So glad of yours of the 17th.—I thought it might be The E's Q—dull enough! You might write to James Stephens (in the telephone book—N. London one—there are two) about the other. It is not the W.T. Probably the Collected Works or the Eq[uino]x: I feel it is early work, because the rhythm is close to one of A.C.S. "Songs before Sunrise".
Nice for you to get a letter from Sheamus! Chess. All the Giants but one are in the dust, which seems to help the last to escape.
Cammell [Charles Cammell] wrote he was leaving for Bideford mid-October: but did he? Will you try to find out?
I thought your friends were so posh that they couldn't bear a book in paper wrappings. Too bad! I've had no illumination so far. Nor any woman of any kind. I am almost ready to fraternize with the licentious soldiery.
Merry Xmas and H[appy] N[ew] Y[ear] perhaps.
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