Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer





c/o Dennes and Co

Clifford's Inn

London E.C.4.



Answer to yours of Nov 16

From Camp de Garo:

previous letter not

To hand



Carissime Frater,




I am overwhelmed with joy to hear that you are alive and well. I have had death in my heart since May 10. I kept on cabling you as long as Brussels was on the wire. I made sure that the Gestapo had caught and murdered you. Naturally, I have been blaming myself! It made me very ill all summer; I came to Torquay for the winter, and after a month fell very sick indeed—the doctors and nurses kind of sick—for some six weeks. Since hearing from you I have been quite a new man; and, though my heart is definitely not too good, and I have a ghastly time ahead with the dentist, news of you give me the courage to go on.


The Tarot is finished, though F. H. [Frieda Harris] is doing two or three over again. Also my book [The Book of Thoth] to go with them. Mike the Kike swore he had a backer to produce them it needs some £1500 actual cost. Probably he was lying, as usual.


When we get them out, I want to lecture in U.S.A.—I hope you are there by now! I have written several names and addresses in my covering letter to Cora [Cora Germer], and am enclosing with the Word of Spring [Word of the Equinox], instructions to welcome you and help you in every way. It is not much use going into more detail until I hear that you have received this.


With all deep love,


93     93/93.


Fraternally 666.


I am just moving once more; will let you know when I get settled. Meanwhile c/o Dennes seems safest.




