Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Rolling Stone Orchard Chipping Campden
Sunday May 11th 1941
My dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
In reply to yours.
Ala's address is
Mrs. Ala Storey c/o Miss Elizabeth Hudson 120 East 39th Street New York
I will telegraph to her. Will you write to Germer [Karl Germer].
I return your letter.
The Winged Beetle is at Felix Cross'. I will ask him to post it on first thing on Monday.
Now about the Exhibition [of Lady Harris' paintings of the Tarot cards].
Mercury is evidently wishing to hold it—
Nicholson, Venn High Street Oxford have offered me their Gallery. I have taken it and am going there on Monday to see them.
I found a most superb leaflet advertising an illuminated book called the Haggadah selling at £100 and brought out by the Beaconsfield Press. I was so impressed by it that I went to London to see them and found the work was done by the Sun Engraving Co. who were able and wishful to print the cards and the book, but at a price!!!!
Since then I have received many suggestions, impossible to write to you such vague ideas, but the Exhibition may help the cards to sell or subscribers may be found to finance the publication.
Now then, I must come and see you, there are matters that I must discuss with you, not write them.
I have had an invitation printed for the General Public, just a card which is at the printers (I have put no name for the artist, I don't want to, something informs me that I am lost if I take credit or publicity in designing the cards as an artist). Please understand this, no one else can.
The catalogue will be sent direct to you but it will be expensive and if we make more than 10% alterations in the proof, it will have to be paid for again.
I have had a wrapper for the catalogue made by the Sun Engraving Co. This will be beautifully printed with the Magician reproduced perfectly as a card, the right size and engraved on it. This will be on the catalogues to be sent out to anyone likely to [be] and charged 2/6 for at the Show. The block for this was so dear that I had to have the Catalogue done more cheaply elsewhere.
I have seen Houghton [Michael Juste] and I will tell you what he said.
Please stay at Torquay. I shall be in London and Oxford till I come on to you and I can't stay with you, as I must come back and get on as you will see–I will telegraph but I expect to get to you on Wednesday evening, if I can collect the Catalogue proof and the 4 princes by then.
The alteration of Abracadabra (Charioteer) and the Taurus Disk card are complete.
Please forgive this brief statement, it is because I know you are so lucid and logical that I can write and tell you I have taken such arbitrary action without consulting you as you will realize this was a moment to say “Snap!”
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever,
Frieda Harris
P.S. I have written to Michael to tell him the drawings are in the dug-out in the orchard and should anything happen to me, he has, in collaboration with you—the right to remove the drawings for the purpose of publishing them. The same applies to you as witness my name here.
Frieda Harris