Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Rolling Stone Orchard
May 21st [1941]
My dear Aleister,
Love is the law, love under will.
I am so sorry for all your troubles. We are both getting too excited and it attacks one in ones particular weakness, so I lose my head and you your breath. I am sending you £6: I don't know how but I will also try to wire it tomorrow. I have only just got your letters returned today after travelling from 11 A.M. to 7.30 P.M. Sitting in stations and huddling with savage soldiers and children in stuffy railway carriages. Nick [her son] was worth it and I had a view of a destroyer.
But I called in at Oxford on the way home and wrote 20 letters with Ettinghausen. He is splendid and makes new suggestions every minute. Only we must tread very cautiously. It makes me nervous but I mean to do what I can to pull this off and how we will sit back if only we can interest a few people who will put up some money. That is the object of this show and we must act entirely for this so do trust me, I feel this is an election and I have my hand on the popular pulse and Horus is the candidate. I am working 16 hours a day, writing, and thinking and I go to Oxford on Monday to meet the Vogue representatives and I hope a few of the Press and try to rope some in.
Please forgive me if I do not write as often as you expect. I am really working at high pressure, there is a lot of social smiling to be done and keeping people in a good temper, the travelling to and fro is difficult and I write all the time I am in the train if I have time.
It is now 11 P.M. Goodnight.
Probably will be able to send you picture reproduction in a few days.
Catalogue not come through yet.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thank you so much for saying the last three years have been good. I thank you too, you know I do.
Have you got enough cards? I sent you some more but I shall have to get more printed if you do. They are disappearing 1000 good!