Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





25 May 41



Barton Brow



Dear Louis


Elaborate catastrophe here: don't know what it means, except that I have to go on Wednesday 27th. Anyhow, I shan't have an address till June 7 when I hope to meet you at the show. Hope all well with you. I enclose a second card for J.C. to whom pray offer my salaams. Too busy packing to write properly. All when we meet!






[enclosed invitation card]



[On the back in Crowley's hand] "With compliments Aleister Crowley, The Lawn, Ray Mead Road, Maidenhead. R.S.V.P. The gate is straight: I shall not be there" Swinburne.


