Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





July 3 1941.



Regular meeting of AGAPE Camp convened at 8 p.m.


SALADIN: Brother Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]

WAZIR: Brother Parsons [Jack Parsons]

EMIR: Brother Seckler [Paul Seckler]

Guard: Brother Reid [Raymond Reid]




Sister: Kahl [Regina Kahl], Wolfe [Jane Wolfe], Parsons [Helen Parsons], Northrup [Sara Northrup], Prescott [Maria Prescott]


Brother Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger].


SALADIN announced the proposed coming of BAPHOMET, and that 3 Sponsoring Affidavits were to be arranged for.


That sets of the Equinox, lacking 3 volumes, were to be purchased for $5.00 the set and told members to leave orders with him.


A second O.T.O. party was decided upon for July 26. Sister Prescott to replace Sister Eller [Thelma Eller] on the Entertainment Committee.


Disciplines of the Camp were described by SALADIN.


The Mass of the Phoenix was performed by SALADIN.


Sister Kahl to perform the next Ritual.


Jane Wolfe,



