Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Saturday, July 12th [1941]
Dear Aleister,
1. I am quite unable to find the O.T.O. papers. I saw them at Richmond, I think, in London at Morton House. But I have repeatedly looked there for them, it is useless to ask anyone else to look for me.
2. Today I have had an exhaustive & exhausting search in all my papers here.
Can I have a fresh copy!
3. I enclose £4-4.
4. I think I am not sufficiently instructed to take such a responsible job in U.S.A. I will do some work on it & you will judge.
8. The Adjustment is being queer with me. She has, after all, insisted on being Beardsley! Also Harlequin comes in & out of it so I must have to submit. But why Harlequin? Is there any connection? Also she won't sit down but stands on her toes just balanced. The design-result is good. That blue is cobalt I take it. The instruction says Blue-Blue green. Pale green Emerald. That Emerald is a vile pigment in poster paints.
5. I like the idea of a weekly letter on the Chinese Yi. Also as told to an idiot appeals to me & is frightfully good for you.
6. I feel I am on the move. The back of the Card will be done next & the reprinting of mount.
7. What about the enlarged set of replicas. A big work but it can be done.
9. I have sent you only 1 throw-out in order that you should not become parcel bound. You can have more.
10. I am so glad you are a bit better but I do think those bouts of asthma must exhaust you.
11. The dentist at Stroud writes “Please let me have a pack of those cards of which you show me the photographs. I can't get them out of my mind.” Which shows him!
Yours somewhat anxious about O.T.O. Papers
Frieda Harris