Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Unknown Correspondent





July 14 [1941]

10.30 A.M.



Verbatim report of a dialogue between Mr. Maggs, Bookseller, and an Humble Seeker after the Hidden Wisdom.


Mr. M. Good morning!


H.S. Good morning: I came to ask you a rather confidential question.


Mr. M. (nods graciously).


H.S.  Some little while back, I believe you handled the Codex Sinaitious.


Mr. M. (nods proudly).


H.S. Was a Mr. Ettinghausen (or some such name) concerned in the transaction?


Mr. M. He was a member of our staff—was (emphasizing the tense) a member of our staff.


H.S. Then he has no right to go about saying "Alone I did it!"?


Mr. M. He didn't do it.


H.S. Expressing the view that his expectations had not disappointed, and his thanks for Mr. M's courtesy, went on his lonely way toward that City which is God.


