Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
10 H. Square.
July 20. 1941.
Dear Noel.
Sorry I was silent so long; the only news is my new book "Thumbs Up". 100 copies signed and numbered. Please send me 11/- by return of post, and you can have any number after 9 except 11, 27 and 77. Nothing else to report. Hope you're well. Tell me all.
93 93/93
Excuse scrawl. I'm up to my neck in work.
[Enclosure as follows.] A dialogue between an Eminent Bookseller and an Humble Seeker after Truth.
H.S. Good morning!
E.B. (gracious but wary) Good morning!
H.S. I believe that some years ago you were concerned in the purchase of the Codes Sinaitus?
E.B. (with modest pride) That is so.
H.S. Then perhaps you know a Mr. Ettingshausen?
E.B. He was a member of our staff—was a member of our staff (very empathic tense)
H.S. Then he has no right to go about telling everybody "Alone I did it"?
E.B. He didn't do it. With cordial salutations the protagonists parted.
H.S. was not surprised.
Chez Maggs. July 14. 11 a.m.