Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa August 1941]
I have got the rejected copy of Atu XX.
Now would you like it as a present? I have meant to give it to you for it is your Stele and you though it satisfactory enough to be undecided whether to use it or the one we decided on. But now I don't know whether it will be an additional burden to have any possession?
I can't do anything about [illegible] at present, because Percy [Percy Harris] is trying to arrange for me to go and spend a week-end with Liman (who is at his country-house) and take the cards to show him before I go any further with C and H.
Can you tell me a bit about the cone and the parabola.
Yes! I've looked in the dictionary.
Page 342 Magic Lection 4.
But I would like some more.