Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Aug 18th 1941.
My dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Do you know I am very sorry I can't do the figure for you.
I just don't want to. I seem to have finished doing symbolical work.
Can you find anyone else? I am enduring agony over the Cup which [illegible] me. Can't be helped—it is the Tea—moving on.
I want to paint natural objects and look at them with the imagination which comes thru my own [illegible]. No, Louis, did not [illegible] anything you wrote. Ettinghausen has done as much as Michael to sell the [Tarot] cards.—that is both failed.
The Sun Engraving Co. gave the cheapest price. I compared it with others. Michael knows nothing about reproductions, and also neither of you have included the advanced prices for war wages, materials—
Love is the law, love under will.
Frieda Harris