Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
10 Hanover Square W.1.
[Undated: circa September 1941]
Dear Gerald
Thanks for photos etc. The next step is to apply for the passport, and that is at present impossible.
Do be friendly and lend me £10 for the first 1000. It would keep me going for a month, by which time I hope things will be cleared up. There is a man in the field for the Tarot [The Book of Thoth]. By the way I would like you to promise that if I die before it is issued, you will arrange for this to be done In Memoriam.
It is really too tantalizing. Friends and a ranch of my own in California, and the only prospect is to walk out of here on Monday morning and hang about till the police pick me up.
I can see nobody but you to avert this. It's misery to ask you, knowing what you (quite wrongly) think; but the standard-bearer mustn't mind anything but keeping it aloft.
93 93/93.