Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




From 10 Hanover Square.






Dear Gerald or rather Fra. V.I.




Herewith a proof of the reprint [of Thumbs Up!]. Monday I hope to be able to put an address on it. Printer wants £5-10-0 per 1000 add 10/ for cost of distributing parcels. I need £50 for stationary and postage to write to patriotic blokes asking them to contribute so many copies apiece. Can you help with this?


So far, good and enthusiastic response; e.g. C.E.M. Joad, John Cooper Powys, Louis Wilkinson, Harold Mortlake, and other more or less prominent people. Navy quite thrilled.


If I want to get a really big success, it will put me in a position to ask for an interview with Winston [Churchill] to put up to him the 2nd half of my V plan. (This might be the "war-engine" in AL III-7, 8) It is immediate practical, but so terrible that I will not disclose it to anybody else.


I wish you had always understood me; I should have worked out the details with you. But there was a time when you distrusted me entirely: a lot of it my own fault. Is it too late to get together heart and soul? "Trust not a stranger: fail not of an heir". I feel so lonely, like a frightened child. So much to do and my physical instrument untrusty!


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666 also Aleister


