Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Rolling Stone Orchard Chipping Campden Glos.
11th Sept. 1941.
Dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Here is the picture. I hope it's allright. I could not do it much better, because my hand won't work.
I am delighted to inform you, as I know you like a fiendish delight in any concentration and sacrifice for the Great Work. That I did quite all of it when my hand was running with blood and I was waiting for the Mr. to sew up the dog-bite. It is therefore [illegible] sacrifice suitable for V. for Vengeance.
I can't do Mercury. I have invoked Jupiter [illegible] him off and he is coming to stay with me for 3 weeks. In other words Percy [Percy Harris] is going to have another holiday. I hope you are allright. Dog-bite a bit better.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours as ever,