Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Mr. Gossett





Rolling Stone Orchard

Chipping Campden




Oct. 24th 1941.



Dear Mr. Gossett,


In reply to your letter


1. The difficulty of removing the glass from the pictures is that it cost me £80 to have the 48 framed and I do not see any prospect of getting anyone to reframe them.


2. Why cannot the Rosy Cross design be reduced to the required size. You are reducing the others. If you retrim the pictures, the design will be clipped.


3. I would be glad if you will hold over the making of the blocks until we can arrange about the price.


I have received an estimate for blocks 22 trumps £210 which makes each block about £9-11. This is in the 4 colour process. The estimate for the reverse was £13-10. This is a recent estimate. I am coming to London Monday Nov. 3rd and could arrange to meet you at Mr. Crowley's about 3.30 p.m. to discuss this.


Yours faithfully,


Frieda Harris



[the following is in the handwriting of Aleister Crowley]

I am not sending this to you, but there is some misunderstanding. Your P2 of letter of Oct 22 is far from clear to me—or to her, as is manifest from her letter to me. Enclosing this for my approval. At the moment I am on the sick list; hope to be well by Nov 2.


