Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald




10 Hanover Square.



Nov. 9. 1941.



Dear Noel,




What's the matter. I haven't heard from you for G[od] O[nly] K[nows] how long. Do let me know your news. I'm in bed over 2 weeks with an abscess: don't know when I'll be up. Next publication OZ (Liber LXXVII) [Liber OZ] a manifesto of "Thelemic war aims". It has a "The Devil" (Atu XV) from the Tarot [from The Book of Thoth] on one side: so it goes out as instead-of-a-Xmas-card. Several people are sending it to their friends. I think I can produce them at sixpence; it depends on how many people take copies. Anyhow, send what money you can spare, and you'll have as many cards as that amount has produced. Write by return please, with full news.


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