Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley







[12 November 1941]



I have your letter & I note what you are going to do for a Christmas Card. Now, please forgive me, probably I don't understand & you must explain.


This card [Liber OZ] I understand is to be sent to many people, uninitiates. What has made you chose that particular card? I am afraid it will do great harm to getting the pack published. It is bound to shown [sic] to many people outside. They will get it in their heads the whole pack is a mass of obscene sex symbols. "One of Crowley's dirty jokes" "The man can't keep away from cheap innuendos!"


Yes I can & have heard them. I take it you want the other side read & to drive it home. Dear Aleister, you have gone so far, you forget the reactions of say the barmaid in England. "Ha! Ha! I'll show this to Tim." Oh dear! how shall I explain. No doubt I am wrong, but we do want to get some money & help for the cards altogether. That card, to the public, is a pictorial representation of the male organ & your Christmas Greeting will be taken as a filthy postcard. please do reconsider it. It will alienate all the people I have been working at. If it is a question of having another back, do use one of the new coloured plates or the Fortune which you have already reproduced. I never dare interfere with you but the spirit got me out of my nice bed at 6 A.M. to qrite to you. I think Mercury also has a joke with you sometimes . . . I am sure this is dangerous for you personally, public opinion is in a nervous condition, it is not wise to let it find a victim.


