Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
10 Hanover Square W.1.
[circa 15 November 1941]
C∴F∴ 93.
Recto. Half-tone of Atu XV ("The Devil") = Size 7" x 4 1/2"
Verso. Liber OZ. This is the "Rights of Man" document that you helped to criticize: in shape at last.
Many thanks!
Price. 10/- for 25. Rationed to 50. (This is slightly under cost.)
Motive: Seriously, to combat all mass governments, including "democracy". An ideal weapon to annoy any stuffy & mentally costive people that you may happen to know.
Thanking you for kind enquiries, my thigh is getting on nicely. I hope to stagger forth to-morrow if the weather isn't too grim.
Best wishes.
93 93/93