Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





[undated: circa late 1941]



Dear Aleister,


Really! We are subject to the stupidity of electric and telephone people.


I wrote to them in case Lerley let the house to give notice, as otherwise one has to pay the next quarter, but I said subject to a later confirmation and it was for 1/2 of the quarter and now they attack you. Had we wanted them to do so, they would have waited till 1942. I am so sorry, it does upset one's work so frightfully, but you have already realized what happened. I suppose an Easter Joke. I am better but Percy [Percy Harris] has walked me until my feet are stumps. No I must go on with the job it is too cold to sit down. The depth of the flood at Richmond seems the same at Chiswick. Percy had telephone calls from the police to man the pumps, and not a drop of water flowed over the bank. I found our final list of the trumps names and no "The" so we are alright. Am attending to nobbles on the wand you ordered. I put the Flame Princess (humble apologies for being so personally cross and anxious) beside the Air Princess and they were quite chums.






I thought I had answered your question re The Queen. I thought it was the Queen was in the parlour calling bread and honey!


Wrong again?


