Issued by Authority of the Rex Summus Sanctissimus

at the Sanctuary of the Gnosis in the Valley of Los Angeles


[7 December 1941]



Dearly Beloved Brethren:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The course of present events is such to shake the foundations of Society. The forces of the old aeon are rending one another even as the warriors of the dragon's teeth in the Legend of Jason.


The powers of tyranny and regimentation are girding for another mighty blow at the freedom and brotherhood of men.


These are the facts now apparent to all, and have come to pass in accordance with the prophecies of Liber Legis, as requisite to the flowering of the new aeon.


The hour of the Beast is at hand. The time is at hand for the final preparation to deliver the decisive stroke in the battle for freedom. The crisis comes swiftly.


Be it known among you that we are a militant army devoted to the high cause of the liberty of the individual under which so ever flag he lives. We envision a society in which men walk in the ways of dignity and beauty, delivered forever from oppression and repression. We are committed to reeastablish the magical way of life, and to bring harmony and balance into the world. Thus we have dedicated our wills to this dangerous and difficult purpose amidst the present disorder of things, and order a new heaven and a new earth.


All this is openly declared in Liber Legis and the Constitution and literature of the O.T.O.; that it might fall into the minds of men and bear fruit. There is a time for sowing and a time for germination, a time for growth and a time for reaping. The time for reaping is yet to come, but the time for growth is at hand.


We profess it a small thing if a man gives all that he has, even life itself, in the cause of Freedom of Man. For we are each one of us soldiers in this cause, and it is the privilege of a soldier to fight, to sacrifice, and mayhap to die.


Be it further known that we are not paper soldiers, or parlor soldiers, but men dedicated to live and die under the banner of freedom. In our army, as in all armies, there are generals, and captains, and privates. There are plans of organization, of campaign, and of action universal in scope and intricate in detail.


Further, there is discipline. Our army does not expect of it soldiers that they offer unasked for advice and criticism, or take it upon themselves to alter plans or conduct private campaigns. We expect only that they do their duty, without question and without demure.


We expect that they are familiar with the principles and rules of the Order, and being thus familiar, understand why all these things must be. For the test, they must trust to the integrity and wisdom of our system and its heads. Any other course would be fatal to our cause.


In out initiation, we have undergone certain solemn oaths and obligations, and we have been instructed to prepare ourselves for a time of battle. That time is at hand.


Therefore, by the authority of Baphomet, under the hand and seal of your Supreme and Holy King, a state of emergency is declared to exist within this camp.


In accordance with this state of emergency, the following general and specific orders, rules and instructions are issued to take effect immediately; non-compliance can not help but be construed as a violation of your obligations taken to our Grand Master Baphomet and as such appropriately dealt with.


1. Camp Attendance. All brethren must attend Lodge meetings. Exceptions may only be made upon the presentation of a valid written or personal excuse to Saladin, given prior to the Lodge, excepting in the event of sudden severe illness or accident.


2. Dues. Arrangement must be made with the Treasurer for the payment of a regular monthly sum towards all dues and fees due the Order. It is expected that each member will write or seek out the Treasurer and make arrangements with him immediately.


3. Emergency Fee. All members are required to pay Five Percent of their salary, earnings, and income towards the further establishment of the Order, and the security of its Head. This fee is in addition to all other dues and fees of the Order, and will be collected at Lodge. Those without an established income will be called upon to contribute at least Fifty Cents a month; absentees must make the payment promptly by mail.


4. Membership. Each member must present one candidate for membership within the next three months period. Absentee members in groups will be subject to a special ruling in this matter.


5. Robes. Each member must supply himself with a robe before the next Lodge.


6. Relating to the dignity and prestige of the Order. Each member will remember at all times that he is a MEMBER OF THE ORDER, dedicated to a serious and high purpose. Thus his conduct even in his daily affairs, reflects the prestige and affects the welfare of the Order. In regard to matters directly concerning the Order, and members of the Order as such, each person should conduct himself with dignity and brotherliness, and with deference to its principles, head, and officials.


Slander, gossip and subversive criticism are not to be tolerated where they affect the welfare of the Order and its members. Bickering, emotional display, irrelevant arguments and personal opinions are strongly discouraged particularly in the presence of strangers and prospective members.


The flagrant violation of this Code can only be considered as subversion to the good of the Order.


7. Duties. Each member will be given orders, verbally or in writing, relating to his duties in the Order. These will be noted by the Secretary, and the membership will be required to report briefly on their progress at each Lodge. Further, each member will be required to report to Saladin or his chosen representative, verbally or in writing at least once during each month. At this time he will discuss his progress and problems relative to the affairs of the Order. If this report is made in person, it must be made at some time agreeable to Saladin, by pre-arrangement with him.


Be it understood that the commands of Saladin, under the discretion of the Supreme and Holy King, and by the Authority of Baphomet are final, and must be obeyed.


FIRST TASK. Each member will prepare a personal copy—in his own handwriting—of the Duties and Privileges of Members, and to present it at Lodge, January 8, 1942; absentees will send it by mail.


Love is the law, love under will.


