Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald




10 Hanover Square.



Jan 8. 1942.



Dear Noel,




Tell me about the practical effect of the Goat [Liber OZ]. Very interesting and (quite likely) important, You are not the only one. Do write me clearly and fully. There is much Magick in it. Afraid there is nothing special in the Whiteley [shopping center] joint: I didn't go through it properly. I do wish you were here and we had a proper G.H.Q. [Grand Headquarters]. You would make a dandy librarian.


Cammell [Charles Cammell] is editing "Light", a dull imbecility of fraud. I'm too disgusted to dig him out. A case of "If the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness."


You have never told me why you left Davis: I thought you were merely moved out by blitz. Kindly tell me all about it! Where is Edith? I shall be so glad to hear that you are free for good: you'll be twice the man you were when that asphyxiating pillow is removed from your head.


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