Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





8 Jan 42



10 Hanover Square



Dear Louis




Will equals Thelema equals 9 + 5 + 30 + 8 + 40 + 1 equals 93 equals "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" AL. 1. 40 and "The Word of the Law is Thelema." AL 1. 38. So refreshing your letter! But Liber 77 [Liber Oz] is The Book of the Goat. Ayin Tzaddi equals OZ equals Goat (Heb.) equals 0 70 plus Z 7 equals 77. I think this publication may turn out to be a Magical Gesture; you may therefore look out for a Resolution (in one form or another) at the Autumnal Equinox. In fact, I rather expect you to lead it. Something will have to be done. People of all opinions are furious about handling over Penang intact. And the old woman in Pall Mall who said the raid on Rommel's H.Q. wasn't cricket. What about making the 'Bugger' our first objective?


I'm crushed with neglected correspondence, but had to slip you in: this must explain alike the brevity and the dullness of this scrawl.


P.S. Man in flat next door died last Saturday. Asked for epitaph, the best I could produce was this:


"A party called Malachi Frank

Was respected in ev-e-ry Bank

Why must we assume

Men will put on his tomb

He lived—and he died—and he stank?"




