Correspondence from Dion Fortune to Aleister Crowley





3, Queensborough Terrace




8th January, 1942



Dear 666,


Many thanks for your letter and card [Liber OZ]. I am glad you find my tabernacles pleasant. I saw designs for two of your Tarot trumps at the Atlantis Book Shop when calling upon Michael Juste, and thought them very fine. I should be interested to know when they are published. I have, I think, most of your books, but not 'Thumbs Up'.


I am afraid my Biblical knowledge has grown rusty and I cannot follow the reference to Daniel and the Apocalypse with regard to Mr. Churchill, so you will have to dot the I's if you want to convey anything to my intelligence, which you over-estimate. Is Mr. Churchill to be conceived of as crowned with the stars, or does his tail draw the twelfth part of them after him?


My mentality always has hampered my work, and, I am afraid, always will.


With all good wished for the success of your Tarot, which certainly deserves it.


Yours sincerely,


Dion Fortune


