Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
10 Hanover Square W.1.
Feb 5 [1942]
Dear Jane,
Here's hoping you are oiling the [illegible] down there! How you ever allowed that "Dearly beloved brethren" horror to get out I can't imagine: can but suppose you never saw it. Well, we must stick to the essence of the Work, and passover these calamities with what virtues we can summon. It is most needful just now to avoid any trouble. If 132 [Wilfred Talbot Smith] would stick to pushing what has got my authority, he would have no time for these maniac outbursts!
I hope you will like the enclosed. Only a rough pull, unfinished, and the colours bad and blotching. But a [illegible] and maybe a couple more Trumps—"The Lovers" and "The Universe"—will follow this in a fortnight or so.
I hope 132 has got the personal letter I wrote him (via Karl [Karl Germer]) and has taken it in good part. I couldn't write officially: I should have had to disembowel him! So the view is that I (as Baphomet) have no evidence that he actually issued the letter in all seriousness. So I rely on you to stroke him.
Bust with the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] production, and research on the Yi (an endless job!) there is no special news. But I am naturally anxious to hear from you that all is going well.
Love to you all!