Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





23 Feb 42


10 Han[over Sq.]



Dear Louis


I hate you; I wanted to answer by telegram. Do give me addresses good for say 48 hours later if you can. "Imps". Considered point you raised; but they have small spiteful malice very active. Nothing to do, afraid to do it, and incompetent. So—"How can I stick a pin into the man at the next desk?" and so on. At quibbles and squabbles and dodging responsibility they're quite bright boys. My tame specimen from the P.O. [Post Office]. has lost 200 copies in a bus, with my list of addresses!! People writing from all sides for bundles of 100 or 50! I must find a printer. And here I am—"out of danger" but very weak from a savage assault of Pleurisy. Touch and go. M and B saved the situation. I believe your Paris story. Lots to tell you; and I do need that good advice.


Too weak to write properly.






