Correspondence from Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans
K. J. GERMER 1007 Lexington Ave. New York. N. Y. REgent 4-2493
February 26, 1942.
Dear Evans,
Sorry we could not manage to meet recently.
I just had a letter from A.C. He encloses a note which I will copy literally:—
Averse [sic]:—
"Epitaph on a man who died in the flat next door
A party called Malachy Frank Was respected by ev-e-ry Bank Why must we assume Men will put on his tomb "He lived—and he died—and he stank?"
Montgomery Evans will like this. Please send him a copy, and my curse for not having written. Tell him it's 10 Hanover Square (London. W.1. England).
With my best wishes,
Sincerely yours
Karl Germer