Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





5 Mar 42



10 Hanover Sq., W.1.



Dear Louis


So glad of your letter: too ill to reply earlier. Now, practically well; but I must keep the house until the weather becomes really decent. When it does, I want a holiday. Fresh air and as dry as may be in this Joan-of-Arc-cursed island. (Did W.S. get that authentic. Or make it up?) Actual meaning a 'graft' or 'scion': this seems to buttress my use of it. The early usage was benign: "merry imps" etc. But to my ear the suggestion is petty, weak, malicious: cf. limp, pimp, jimp, crimp, blimp, limp, simp, as in simple; and wimp, as in wimple. (This is very fantastic Aleister: I really can't bear it).


I'm getting L.G. [Landed Gentry] printed, waistcoat pocket size. You never seem helpful about country retreats; you have some hundreds yourself. I'm up with suggestions to the Brahmarandra Cakkra in arrears of letters; So—à bientôt.







Send me a P.C. [post card] a day or two before you come up, saying what day and hour to expect your call. Then I'll warn the flitting telephonist. A.C.


